Southern Hills Residents –

The City of Springfield’s NeighborWoods program provides street trees installed at no cost.  The trees must be installed by the City within the street right-of-way. To help everyone understand where this strip of land is in relation to their property, city staff have marked up this map.  For example, the “10” along Southern Hills Blvd indicates there is a 10-foot strip of land measured from the back of curb that is public right-of-way. This is the strip where public trees may be installed.

If you believe you have room in the strip in front of your home, and you are interested in a tree, please use our Contact Us form located here. We will provide you with the contact information and a form to complete. There are a total of 75 trees that will be available. They are on a first come first serve basis between now and May 1st, 2020. You will be required to water the tree during its establishment.

Once the city has reviewed your form and verified the location is suitable for a tree (ex. no conflicting utility lines), then a tree will be scheduled for installation during the fall/winter of 2020.

For more information on the NeighborWoods program, you may visit the city website