From:     CID Board Members
To:          All CID Residents
Dated:    August 2021

The CID Board Members want to say thanks to all the residents that supported the initial and ongoing efforts and goals of the Southern Hills Community Improvement District.  We are now in our 4th year of the CID work and accomplishments.

The current board members are John Heitz, President; Jay Hill, Vice President; Denise Heintz, Treasurer; Chip McGeehan, member; Joe Reynolds, member; Bob Lowe, member; and, Brad Fisher, member.

Over the past years, we have seen not only the commitment of the Board but also that of the neighborhood members.  All the lakes and shorelines are showing the success of the CID objectives.  It takes the entire neighborhood to continue with the preservation of the lakes and the areas around them. The Board thanks all that have become a part of the Community Improvement District.

Just a reminder to check our website for information, notices, and meeting updates.  The Board held its 2021 Annual Meeting on August 3, 2021.  Minutes from that meeting will be posted on the website asap.

The Board would like to take this opportunity to remind all, of our commitment to the operations of the CID and hands-on management of the lake areas.  In that regard, we will be contracting with Estate Management for this year’s maintenance and upkeep.  We are excited about this change as Estate Management has a good reputation with Hickory Hills, Twin Oaks, and Highland Springs.  They have a local representative that will oversee our lakes.  This should offer better contact and follow-up with the ever-changing conditions of the lakes.

The Board identified some areas on lake 2 and 3 that need attention and is discussed in the minutes of the Annual Meeting and will be handled by Board members. 

As a matter of policy, we would also like to remind all property owners that share the lake shoreline with the CID, that any improvement to the CID shoreline requires presentation and approval of the Board.  A reminder that the majority of the shoreline is owned by the CID.  Our purpose is to protect the integrity and look of the lakes so that they continue to be a great amenity to the Southern Hills community.

Southern Hills CID Board